Clean water and sanitation

Water scarcity affects more than 40 per cent of people around the world, a figure that is projected to increase with the rise of global temperatures. About 75 percent of all diseases in developing countries arise from polluted drinking water . Although 2.1 billion people have gained access to improved water sanitation since 1990, it is projected that by 2050 at least one in four people will be affected by recurring water shortages.

Chemicals are vital to provide universal access to safe and affordable drinking water for all by 2030. Chemical distributors help in achieving this goal by providing effective and affordable chemicals for water purification and disinfection.

With their knowledge of the substances, chemicals distributors also improve safety and sanitation by giving advice to their customers. For instance when delivering at disinfectants at swimming pools, they instruct the customers on the safe ways of using, dosing and storing the chemicals. By providing a link between large chemical producers and downstream users, chemical distributors contribute to clean, accessible water around the globe.

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